
CidalTek OPA

  • Regular price Rs. 0.00


Ready-to-use High Level Disinfectant
For Surgical/Medical Instruments & Equipment

• Sporicidal • Fungicidal • Bactericidal • Virucidal
• Tuberculocidal • Pseudomonacidal

Blood, body fluids & lubricants must be thoroughly cleaned from the surfaces & lumens of medical devices before reprocessing in the disinfectant. Follow cleaning protocols or standards such as US ASTM F1518. Refer to the reusable device manufacturer’s labelling for information on disassembly, decontamination, cleaning & leak testing of their equipment. Thoroughly rinse & dry all surfaces/lumens of cleaned devices before immersing them in the CidalTek OPA Solution.

High-level Disinfection:
Immerse the device completely in CidalTek OPA Solution, filling all lumens & eliminating air pockets, for a minimum of 5 mins at 20°C (68°F) or higher to destroy all pathogenic microorganisms, including Mycobacterium Bovis, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Pathogenic Fungi & Viruses. Remove the device from the solution & rinse thoroughly with sterile water or potable water. The type of water used for rinsing depends on the intended use of the device. Please refer to the package insert for additional instructions regarding high-level disinfection.

High-Level Disinfection: Works on heat-sensitive,
reusable, semi-critical medical devices for which
sterilisation is not possible.

Ortho Phthalaldehyde 0.55% w/w
Chemical Names : 1, 2-Benzene Dicarboxaldehyde
Colour: Alizarin Cyanine Green F
Purified Water IP Q.S.